A Weblog

What this blog set out to be

I've had several blogs in my digital life, and written texts about things I enjoy, my life at work, political issues and more. As time has passed, I have deleted them and created new ones - and now that I again try to start a new blog; what do I blog about?

First, I will try to limit my blog post to topics that can not be written elsewhere. For example: I now use Bookwyrm for book reviews, Grouvee for game reviews, and Letterboxed for movie reviews. For political and other more elaborate texts, I will publish them in newspapers or/and elsewhere.

Some texts will not be suited for any of these. Working thoughts towards bigger projects of mine can be some of them, and also my comments and feelings around issues that might be published in other channels later.

Thirdly, This blog will also be used to gather and/or document published material by or about me from other places online. It can be everything from newspaper mentions and videos I appear in, to reposting my old blogs and forum posts. I might also create a "page" for that.. Let's see.

This is my second blog post now about this blog. I hope to sort the posts by tags; they will get some once I find out how to do that.

Stay tuned for more.

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